Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!!

Hello friends!  Spring has finally started to arrive in London.  It is still quite cold, but there are signs of life.  Here are a few pictures of some of the spring flowers in the parks that I go through on the walk between work and school (if Krisann is reading this, that walk takes about 20 minutes).  I plan to do much more picture taking this spring in London so stay tuned to this space for more exciting updates!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last week I met some fine British politicians so I wanted to share some photos.  It is unclear why I am so shiny, but I am looking into it.  Here is Liam Fox, the Secretary of State for Defence (I gave into the British spelling on that one since it is his official title).

And here is Michael Portillo, the former Defence Secretary, former Shadow Chancellor and all around British political legend.