Thursday, September 23, 2010

LSE Registration Day

So today was registration day (despite the fact that the bag says orientation that doesn't happen until next week).  Registration is a bit different in the UK as it has nothing to do with selecting classes.  They just made a copy of my visa and gave me a student ID (which is handy as I can use it for student discounts, get into the library and pre-load it with cash for campus expenses).  You have to sit down with your advisor before you can register for classes so hopefully that will happen in the next few weeks.

Sadly everything is not going smoothly with the new flat.  Despite being willing to pay six months of rent in advance (because you can't pass the UK background check without a UK credit history) we have been delayed in moving in.  I am now going to have to move from my current temporary housing to new temporary housing.  Hopefully we will get everthing settled over the weekend.  Ughhhh!!!

Tomorrow I plan to go on the tour of Buckingham Palace.  Stay tuned for pictures and details!

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