Monday, September 27, 2010

Violence in London

Oh, and I also need to report on witnessing my first incidence of violence in London.  Does it involve two young, drunken Brit youths on a Saturday evening outside of the pub, you may be asking yourself?  Well, actually, no.  It involved two women in their 20s outside a convenience store on a Saturday morning.  I was minding my own business while walking down the street when I hear these two women start yelling at each other.  I can't really understand what they are saying and wasn't really paying to much attention.  They are walking in front of me and appear to be going into a convenience store, where I assume the argument will end.  Oh was I wrong.  Suddenly one of the girls grabs the other by the hair and throws her to the ground, where she continues to pull her hair.  She is screaming something about, "don't ever talk to me about my kids."  Some woman in a car starts screaming that the girls should stop fighting and then looks at me like I should be doing something.  The hair pulling girl didn't hang around for long after that, but I did feel badly for not doing more to help (although I am sure the intervention of the American grad student would not have done much to help).  It was surreal to say the least!  The following photo has no real connection to this story except that it is the view of the Thames that you get if you walk about 7 minutes from the flat.  It just so happens I was going to take this picture when the Saturday morning violence broke out.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of neighborhood are you moving in to? Hairpulling? Sounds dangerous.
    Post pics of the flat!
